Chicago Meetings & Hospitality Industry’s St. Pat’s BASH!

January 2nd, 2018 | hereschicago

here's chicago st. pat's bash hard rock cafe chicago

Come and join your Chicago area event and hospitality industry colleagues for a fun & productive networking experience. 

When:  Friday March 16, 2018

Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: Hard Rock Cafe Chicago (in the heated tent in parking lot)

This is the official kick off event into Spring for the Chicago event & hospitality industry & the 10th year of the Here’s Chicago Event & Hospitality Industry’s St. Pat’s BASH!

Green Beer, Wine & Passed Appetizers, Networking, Entertainment & Beer Samplings from Dovetail Brewery provided and water samplings from Hello Water.

Watch the video from 2016 

Let’s awake from the winter hibernation and reconnect with our industry colleagues.  Let’s have some fun!  We welcome all meeting, event & hospitality industry newcomers with warm and welcome arms.  You WILL meet a new industry colleague if not 10 of them!

register now




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